8:00-8:30 Breakfast
(Lower Level, E15) 8:30-10:00 Research Review (Bartos Theater, E15) Program Summary Neil Gershenfeld: Overview Joe Jacobson: Avogadro-Scale Engineering Research Reports Form Shuguang Zhang: Self-Assembling Peptide Nanotubes Peter Carr: Error-Corrected DNA Synthesis David Mosley: Assembly of Monofunctionalized Nanoclusters Saul Griffth: Programmed Assembly Larry Sass: Building Structures Transduction Yael Maguire: Microslot Spin Probe Scott Manalis: Microchannel Molecular Detection Alex Slocum: Fracture/Nanogate Cynthia Breazeal: Sensor Skins Function Bill Butera: Paintable Computing Ben Recht: Analog Logic Rahul Sarpeshkar: Analog/Digital Interfaces Ike Chuang: Classical and Quantum Circuits Peter Shor: Quantum Fault Tolerance 10:00-10:30 Break 10:30-11:00 Training, Outreach, and Collaborative Activities (Bartos Theater, E15) Scott Manalis: Semiconductor Devices Project Laboratory Ike Chuang: Junior Lab Neil Gershenfeld: Fab Class, Fab Labs Elisabeth Sylvan: Learning Through Designing Doug Johnson: Internet 0 Florence Friedman: Digitizing Antiquities |