The Fab Lab Forum is an annual global gathering of fab-labbers for a week of hands-on workshops, held in conjunction with the Symposium on Digital Fabrication. Presentations and videos from last year's event in South Africa are available at; this year it will be in Chicago the week of August 20, hosted by partners including The National Science Foundation, The Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory, The Museum of Science and Industry, The Fab Foundation, The Midwest Fab Lab Network, the Universities of Illinois and Chicago, and MIT. Because of limited space in the workshops, attendance is limited to approved fab lab participants and requires registration confirmation with Susan Murphy-Bottari <>. Sunday August 19 Welcome Reception
Monday August 20 Fab Lab Forum
(Museum of Science and Industry) 7:30-9:00: Breakfast 9:00-12:00: Morning Meeting Welcome, Overview
Partner, Participant Introductions Fab Lab Reports Project Presentations and Plans 12:00-1:00: Lunch 1:00-4:00: Afternoon Workshops Tutorial
Hardwarelow-cost computing and long-range communications: thinner client and high-gain antennas
Softwareremote collaboration: sharing and navigating broadband audio and video
OperationsFab Lab Instruction: How To Make (almost) Anything
4:00-6:00: Fab Foo, Kids Workshop 6:00-8:00: Dinner 8:00-: Evening Project Work in the Lab
Tuesday August 21 Fab Lab Forum
(Museum of Science and Industry) 7:30-9:00: Breakfast 9:00-12:00: Morning Review and Workshops Tutorial 2D cutting: vinyl cutter, lasercutter, router
Hardwaremacrofabrication: furniture and housing
Softwareuniversal CAD/CAM design architecture: .cad/.fab
Operationsfab labs operations: safety, responsibility, sustainability
12:00-1:00: Lunch 1:00-4:00: Afternoon Workshops Tutorial
3D machining: PCBs and molds
Hardwareanalytical instrumentation for healthcare and agriculture: electromagnetic and microfluidic measurements
Softwarerapid-prototyping for embedded computing: visual design, modular microcode, and distributed systems
Operationslocal, regional, global: supporting fab lab networks
4:00-6:00: Fab Foo 6:00-8:00: Dinner 8:00- Evening Project Work in the Lab
Wednesday August 22 Fab Lab Forum
(Museum of Science and Industry) 7:30-9:00: Breakfast 9:00-12:00: Morning Review and Workshops Tutorial molding and casting materials
Hardwareenergy conversion: solar, wind, and inertial power
Softwaredistributed development and documentation: fab world/siteserver
Operationsmicro-VC, micro-franchise business models
12:00-1:00: Lunch 1:00-4:00: Afternoon Workshops Tutorial
electronics assembly, microcontroller programming
Hardwarerapid-prototyping of rapid-prototyping machines: machines that make machines
Softwarenetwork architecture: design clients, application servers, virtual machines, and real-time control systems
Operationsintellectual property
4:00-6:00: Reception Set-up 6:00- Reception Thursday August 23 Friday August 24 Fab Lab Forum
(Museum of Science and Industry) 7:30-9:00: Breakfast 9:00-12:00: Morning Meeting The Fab Lab Ecosystem
The Fab Charter: vision, rights, and responsibilities
The Fab Foundation: invention as aid The Fab Fund: micro-VC The Fab Academy: distributed advanced education 12:00-1:00: Lunch 1:00-3:00: Afternoon Workshops Project Planning Groups
3:00-5:00: Wrap-up Project Presentations
Event Review Future Plans Evening Closing Reception