Engineering machine to microbe communication for cellular cyborgs.
Bio Academy is a Synthetic Biology Program directed by George Church, professor of Genetics at Harvard medical school. The Bio Academy is a part of the growing Academy of (almost) Anything, or the Academany.
Building a solid-phase synthesis approach to create novel heterogeneous digital materials using DNA nanobricks.
What class of mechanisms, both classical and quantum, are necessary to account for isotope sensing? Can microelectronic devices be built to mimic the fly nose?
We are creating an open wearable bio-sensor platform to enable the discovery of new healthcare insights: a pair of glasses with embedded sensors for continuous long-term monitoring of physiological signals. Ultimately, we would like to integrate this open-source, plug-and-play system with the Personal Genome Project and Quantified Self Movement. When fully developed, an open bio-glasses platform would enable the creation of datasets that allow meaningful correlation between genotype, phenotype and environment/behavior.
GPCRs, including olfactory (scent) receptor proteins trigger upon recognizing features of molecules beyond shape and elemental composition. Can we build machines to do the same?
How can we transfer enormous, delicate DNA molecules from one cell into another? The image shows bacterial genomes (bright), wrapped around spherical bacteria that are confined inside controlled microfluidic chambers. A collaboration between CBA, JCVI, and NIST.