One of our students, Sarah Hovsepian, has been selected as a NASA
Space Technology Research Fellow, with a proposal on Lifecycle Reusable
Functional Digital Materials. Congratulations, Sarah.
A CBA team opened the most recent fab lab in a spectacular new
permanent setting at the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts:
Speaking of bridging, Prof. Gershenfeld will present CBA research
on connecting computer science with physical science at the
International Conference on Complex Systems:
Plans for fab labs there to help with reconstruction and development
are likely to follow.
FAB7, the Seventh
International Fab Lab Forum and Symposium on Digital Fabrication is
happening August 15-20 in Lima, Peru. Workshop and accommodation space
is filling quickly:
Register now if you'd like to participate. We're seeking individual
sponsorships for travel costs to help a number of
unfunded fab-labbers to attend from developing
countries -- please contact us if you might be interested in supporting
a traveler.
This is an occasional newsletter on the activities of CBA
its partners; to be added or removed from this list, or to submit
items, please contact CBA's Program Manager Sherry Lassiter