the US, roughly 40% of the total energy (and 70% of the electricity) is
consumed by buildings, with the greatest demand being for heating,
cooling, and lighting. Preliminary trials have found that as much as
30% of this can be
recovered by intelligent building infrastructure so that, for example,
handlers are turned off when windows are open, illumination is adjusted
in response to natual light, and energy is not expended heating and
cooling unoccupied spaces. This makes intelligent infrastructure
one of the most accessible opportunities for
significantly reducing the environmental and economic impact of energy
consumption, but the challenge is that the contribution lies in a "long
green tail" of a large number of small savings. To date, the cost and
complexity of the required systems has been prohibitive.
This event will review the background and discuss planning for
a proposed large-scale testbed, initially on MIT's campus, to
collaboratively develop, deploy and evaluate the impact of intelligent
infrastructure for energy efficiency. This effort will span from
enabling research to rapid-prototyping of solutions to scalable
commercial implementations. Attendance is open but requires registration with Susan Murphy-Bottari <> 9:00-10:30 Background Presentations Introduction
Neil Gershenfeld (MIT Center for Bits and Atoms)
The Long Green Tail Danny Cohen (Sun Microsystems)
Building Energy Use Les Norford (MIT Architecture)
Campus Energy Use Peter Cooper (MIT Facilities)
Intelligent Infrastructure and Energy Efficiency Internet 0 Passive vs Active Building Energy Systems John Fernandez (MIT Architecture)
Building Information Interfaces Manu Gupta (MIT House_n Research Consortium)
Security, Optimization, and NW35 David Dalrymple (MIT Center for Bits and Atoms)
Sharing Tower, Sharing Energy Printing Building Infrastructure Berok Khoshnevis (USC (video))
10:30-11:00 Break 11:00-12:00 Project Planning MIT Energy Initiative
Leon Glicksman (MIT Mechanical Engineering)